Scribblenauts unmasked characters list
Scribblenauts unmasked characters list

Restored the fundamental concepts and laws to the multiverse after Anti-Matter had destroyed them), Sleep Manipulation (Through Sleep, he can put his opponents to sleep and cause them to stay that way til he decides to wake them up), Attack Reflection (Mirrior reflects any projectile that gets thrown at Maxwell, including attacks from conceptual entities), Power Nullification (Normal strips away the special traits and attributes of any supernatural entity, causing them to become basically human), Invisibility (Through Invisible), Fear Manipulation (Through Anthophobia, Maxwell is capable of giving others the fear of spiders. Also has the ability to give himself metempsyhic, which makes Maxwell reincarnate in a different form should be die), Flight (Via Flight), Invulnerability (Omnipotent grants Maxwell the ability to become invulerable relative to his tier), Size Manipulation (Capable of increasing or decreasing the size of objects to make them as big as man-made structures or as tiny as an atom), Explosion Manipulation (Through Explosive, which causes whatever object under that trait to explode), Regeneration (Low-Mid), Energy Manipulation (Laser and many other adjectives allow for manipulation and control over energy), Conceptual Manipulation, Law Manipulation (Capable of creating and destroying conceptual entities such as Horsemen of Apocalyse. He also can create holy objects and beings), Radiation Manipulation (Capable of giving something the Radioactive trait, which makes them toxic), Statistics Amplification (Sonic allows Maxwell to increase his speed to insane levels), Ice Manipulation (Frost-Breathing is capable of projecting ice and also giving other beings frost-bite), Meteor Summoning (Via Meteor), Immortality (Type 1, 3 and potentially 5, 6, 7 & 11 if he desires to give himself the "Immortality" trait, as he's unable to even be claimed by Death himself. Capable of imposing adjectives onto others and making them what he desires), Non-Physical Interaction, Soul Manipulation (Has no issues interacting with Ghosts, whom of which are described as souls and also can interact with many other objects that share similar traits), Pocket Reality Manipulation, Hammerspace (Maxwell's backpack is akin to it's own space that allows Maxwell to hold anything he can't carry naturally), Globe grants Teleportation to any location, Life Manipulation & Death Manipulation (Through adjectives such as Dead or Life), Anti-Matter Manipulation (Through Anti-Matter adjective), Existence Erasure (Through Absent, which makes whatever Maxwell desires to not exist and essentially disappear), Information Manipulation (Via Digital, which allows Maxwell to manipulate and turn someone into binary code), Magnetism Manipulation (Through the adjective Magnetic, which gives entities magnetic properties), Telekinesis (Via Telekinetic), Void Manipulation (Interactive allows for Maxwell to interact with and even destroy nonexistence beings), Acid Manipulation (Through "Acid", which allows him to control acidic substances), Transmutation (Petrified turns an opponent into stone and kills them), Poison Manipulation (Poison allows Maxwell to make objects become poisonous or just outright poison the object he gave said attribute to), Power Bestowal (Maxwell has the innate ability to gave traits and adjectives to other objects, giving them powers they normally don't have), Holy Manipulation, Aura (Holy gifts Maxwell with a positive aura that negats anything evil or demonic.

scribblenauts unmasked characters list

Special Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Capable of utilizing many weapons besides his notepad), Subjective Reality (Maxwell possesses the ability to make whatever he writes to become an reality, including the very words he writes. His job is to find Starites and Starite Shards anywhere he can search, often to save someone or something. He is a boy that has small black eyes and will always have a smile on his face (even if he were to die (except Scribblenauts Unmasked)).

scribblenauts unmasked characters list

Maxwell is the main character/protagonist in Scribblenauts, Super Scribblenauts, Scribblenauts Remix, Scribblenauts Unlimited, and Scribblenauts Unmasked.

Scribblenauts unmasked characters list